~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~
This blog has been created as a way of showing all my love towards all the members in our course...   
Monday, August 17, 2009
~WElcOme RamaDhan :P~
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 10:24 PM   1 comments
~If This RamAdhaN is The Last RamadhaN for Me~
NotEs~ agaIn.....I'M so SoRry .. This Post has beEn WriTTen In MalaY laNguaGe.. HopeFullY eVerYboDy WouLd ForGivE me... I'Ll Try my Best To TraNslAte This TeXt Into EnglIsH LAnguaGe a.s.A.p..


apa yang bakal ku nukilkan ...
adalah tulus dari hati...
kecilku ini...
buat insan-insan
yang bergelar

Hari berganti hari...
Bertahun tak terasa telah berlalu
Entah sampai bila hidupku
akan Allah berikan seperti ini

aku dapat merasakan..
waktuku hampir tiba...
untukku bertemu yang
maha Esa...

aku amat bersyukur..
pada yang maha Esa..
kerana ..
mengurniakan aku ..
seorang sahabat
seperti kalian...

sahabat ...
terima kasih
di atas segalanya...

setiap pengalaman...
kasih sayang...
ukhuwah yang terjalin..
ketika diriku
diselubungi buntu
kalian sentiasa disisiku...
ketabahan dalam diriku
Untukku ku ukir
semula senyuman
yang telah lama
terkubur bersama
serta harapanku...

walaupun masa
yang kita lalui bersama..
singkat cuma....
aku menghargai segalanya..
tiap saat sangat bermakna...
buat diriku...

kasih sayang kalian..
tidak akan
mampu ku beli...
dengan harta dunia..
persahabatan yang terjalin..
tiada galang-gantinya
walau emas permata
harga tukarannya..
mahupun di akhirat sana..
hanya yang maha Esa..
mampu membalas segala
kebaikan kalian...

andai ramadhan ini..
yang terakhir buat diriku..

ku pohon dari kalian..
kemaafan yang tidak dapat..
ku sendiri gambarkan..
tatkala diriku..
menyakiti kalian..
tatkala kalian
menitiskan airmata
kalian semua
atas nama ..
ukhuwah persahabatan
yang kita bina..
selama ini..
ku pohon keampunan..
atas segala yang telah ku lakukan...

andai pernah ku guris
hati kalian semua..
maafkanlah diriku...

andai pernah aku menyakiti kalian..
tanpa diriku sedari..
ampunilah diriku..

halalkanlah segala
makan minumku..

andai ramadhan
ini adalah
ramadhan yang terakhir
aku sentiasa
mendoakan kebahagiaan kalian...
serta ...
kedamaian kalian...

andai ramadhan ini
adalah yang
terakhir buatku...
hanya satu ku pinta...

sesekali ..
kalian menitiskan
air mata kalian
di atas pemergianku...
ianya hanya
menambahkan penderitaanku...

apa yang ku pinta...
senyuman di wajah kalian..
kegembiraan kalian..
adalah segalanya
buat diriku...

ya Allah...
aku bersyukur atas segala
pemberian darimu...
terima kasih ya Allah..
kerana mengurniakan diriku...
yang sangat aku sayangi...

buat seorang insan
yang sangat aku sayangi...
maafkan diriku..
mungkin tatkala ini..
kau telah bersama
insan lain...
yang amat kau sayangi...

hanya yang mampu
aku lakukan..
hanyalah menganggapmu...
hanya sebagai
seorang teman biasa...
merenungmu dari jauh...
di setiap hari...
di dalam kuliah
di mana sahaja
tika aku ketemu dirimu..

tak terluah...
perasaan yang
di dalam hati
kecilku ini...

kerana diriku..
kekurangan segalanya...
aku bukanlah
insan yang kau cari-cari selama ini...

aku tidak dikurniakan
kesempurnaan dunia..
yang kau cari-cari
pada diri setiap wanita..
yang kau kenali...
untuk dijadikan..
teman hidupmu...

hanya yang aku
mampu lakukan..
hanyalah mendoakan
kebahagiaan dirimu...
dan diakhirat...

ya Allah...
aku memohon kepadamu...
tempatkanlah mereka..
di kalangan
hamba- hambamu..
yang kau redhai..
berkatilah hidup mereka semua...

nukilan terakhir buat sahabat-sahabatku...
~ princess loBaklObak ~

p/s: buat semua sahabatku...kalian adalah sahabat yang terbaik yang telah dikurniakan oleh yang maha kuasa buatku...
kasih sayang kalian.. ibarat permata..
yang tidak akan pudar sinarnya...
kalian akan sentiasa berada di ingatanku.. buat selamanya...

speCiallY deDicateD to :~

LOve yOu all

posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 9:05 AM   0 comments
~nEw LifE >>>>>>>>>>>
You know that
crying`s not a bad thing,
but stop your crying
when the birds sing...
The night time shadows disappear
and with that
go all your tears...
For the morning
will bring joy,
for every girl and boy...
Tomorrow in the morning light,
everything gonna be all right...
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 8:52 AM   0 comments

NotEs : I'M so SoRry .. This Post has beEn WriTTen In MalaY laNguaGe.. HopeFullY eVerYboDy WouLd ForGivE me... I'Ll Try To TraNslAte This TeXt Into EnglIsH LAnguaGe a.s.A.p..

Sahabat andai ini nukilan terakhir utkmu,

Ingin ku pohon seribu satu kemaafan,

Bukan kumahukan ini terjadi,

Tapi masa dan keadaan yg mengadili,


Ungkapan terima kasih kerna menjd seorg sahabat yg benar2 sahabat,

Bangga diri ini mempunyai sahabat sepertimu,

Sahabat seribu kemaafan kupinta andai ada tersalah budi bicara dan perlakuan yg mengguris hatimu,

Sahabat ,

Seorang sahabat adalah seorang yang memahami sahabatnya,

Seorg sahabat adalh seorg yg bertny jika ada sebrg kekeliruan tntg shbtnya,

Seorg shbt tdk akan mendgr dr mulut org lain perihal sahabnya selagi dia tdk menanyakan sendri dr sahabtnya

Seorg sahbat sentiasa menegur sahabatnya jk ada yg kesalahannya,

iTulah indahnya persahabatn,

Persahabatn yg disulami dengan keikhlasan,

Sahabat setakat ini nukilanku,

Kudoakan agar dirimu bahgia dibawah payung Ilahi,

Bertemu kita lagi jika itu perancangan Ilahi,

Doakanlah agar kejayaan akhirat dan dunia kita miliki,

Sama2 kita mengubah diri,

Ingin kutahu kau mengerti ku amat menghargai persahabatn ini,

Jaga diri hiasi peribadi,

Sama2 kita amalkan hidup Islam yang hakiki..

posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 8:39 AM   0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
~oNe BIg HaPPy Family~ = FirSt EDiTIoN!!
~LOvEly FamiLy~
~ActIng ForMal Huh? Hahahah...~

DatE : !4 AuGusT 20O9
pLAcE : cLAsS 3.!5
tImE : O8.24 a.m
CamEra wOman : FaRah Hanim Binti AhmaD kHIdZAr
PerSoN mIssIng In ActIon... ~ DatUk WaN + WiNNie + ciWie + NazIeHa ( NeWcoMerS )
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 5:20 PM   0 comments
~oNe BIg HaPPy Family~
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 5:20 PM   0 comments
~StuDy tIme!!~

datE: 13th AuGuSt 20o9
PlacE: TesL 2 ClaSS ( KDp-Oum RoOm )

hOPe THaT aLl Of Us WiLL staY TogEthEr FoREveR...
EVenThOuGh We StiLL Didn't Know eaCh Other Very weLL..
'But ,... For Me...i FeEl Very Thankful.... As God Had GiVen Me SucH a LOvely And hapPy Family...
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 10:41 AM   2 comments
~ TerEnGGun ! herE we Come!! ~

~ ThE BirtHday Gurlz~

~New InVenTed Ways Of wishIng HappY biRthday :P ~

FrOm Left : Apex , BabA, Hyper

~ It's All BeeN pRepaRed spEciaLLy FoR tHe BirthDay gUrlz ~

~juZ For You ~

p/S: The Card Had Been CreatEd By aNN.. Thanx Ann~

~ New MoDeLLing SeSSion??? :P ~


DAte : o8 0GoS 2009
VeHicles Used: ?? FeEt Only
OccAsion : Humm... secRet...

act,,.. On that Day.. we aRe CelebRating One Of tHe tEslianz MemBer's BiRthday... Which Is NurUl aqMaHani's BirtHday.. NothIng tHat Much Being PreparEd...But,,.. The mOSt ImportaNt Is... All Of Us dO Love AqMa so mUch..By LosinG her ....IroNicaLLy.... Means THat wE Are GoiNg to Lose One Of Our BOdy Parts..

To AQma...
do RemEmber That ~:
  • You Are GeTTing Older... :P
  • We All Do Loves You WitHin Our HeaRts anD SouLs..
  • May God BlesS yoU AlwaYs..'
  • Once TesLianz.. foReveR tesliaNz...
  • GooD Luck For yOur futUre UndertAkin'...
  • TaKe care!!!
wIth loVe~
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 10:15 AM   1 comments
~WorDs Of WisdOms~

While it is important to win, it's even more important to remain undefeated no matter what happens.

If you hope for a peaceful death as the final summation of your life, live each and every day with vitality, never failing to take everything that happens as an opportunity to open and expand your inner life, exerting yourself to the fullest in the place you find yourself now.

If you lose today, win tomorrow. In this never-ending spirit of challenge is found the heart of a victor.

Being halfhearted is such a waste. If we go around as if we're half-asleep all the time, we can't hope to savor a life that is free of regret. Enthusiasm and vigor are vital ingredients for a fulfilling life.

Whether it be individuals, organizations, nations, civilizations, all forms of life in nature--for all entities in this universe, life is an ongoing challenge. In this struggle we find the essence and unchanging truth of life. When one stops challenging, decline begins.

Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Sorrows cultivate compassion. Those who have suffered the most will become the happiest.

The struggle between happiness and unhappiness is the story of human existence. The struggle between peace and war is the history of the human race. The power that leads us to eternal victory amid these struggles is the power of good within us.

Life is the blossoming of flowers in the spring, the ripening of fruit in the fall, the rhythm of the earth and of nature. Life is the cry of cicadas signaling the end of summer, migratory birds winging south in a transparent autumn sky, fish frolicking in a stream. Life is the joy beautiful music instills in us, the thrilling sight of a mountain peak reddened by the rising sun, the myriad combinations and permutations of visible and invisible phenomena. Life is all things.

Of course, people want to live long. But in the end, what matters more is what we have been able to leave behind -- the value we have created in our lives, the number of people we have made happy and how much we have been able to grow and expand as a person.

Buddhism teaches that a single day of life is worth more than all the treasures of the universe.

Everyone born in this world has a unique role that only he or she can fulfill. Were this not the case, we would not be here. The universe never acts without cause; everything invariably has a reason for being. Even the weeds people love to loathe serve a purpose. I might add that every cherry blossom has its own personality, a purpose and meaning in life that is unique to it-as do the plum, peach and damson.

The course of our lives is determined by how we react--what we decide and what we do--at the darkest of times. The nature of that response determines a person's true worth and greatness.

When we are aware that each moment of each day, each gesture and step we take, is truly mystical and full of wonder, we will live our lives with greater thought and care. We will also have greater respect and appreciation for the lives of others.

Live in a way that is full of life... for yourself, for your loved ones, for your friends. People who do so will find the courage to transform sufferings into hopes. Not only that, but they will be able to light the lamp of hope in the hearts of many others, as well.

It would be pointless for a plum blossom to try to remake itself as a cherry blossom, no matter how deeply the plum yearns to do so. The plum is happiest when it blooms as itself in full glory. How much of the color and wonder of life would be lost if it weren't for our differences.

Whether in life or in a specific undertaking, there will undoubtedly be times when you achieve genuine progress, only to come up against a wall or feel yourself regressing. There will be times when you just need to stop and rest. Such are the vicissitudes inherent to any struggle. When you challenge to achieve something, be ready to face the unexpected.

Life may be more akin to a series of meets than a single marathon. You can lose a race here or there, as long as you win in one contest, in one area. All the struggles you endured will become a prized investment in your own person.

Human society can be full of contradictions. It can be unfair; unforgiving, too. Yet we cannot afford to dismiss it and turn our backs to the world. A person who does loses, and no excuse can gloss that over. Given a choice whether to sink or swim, we must swim to the very end, no matter how the seas around us may rage.

posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 10:09 AM   0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
~TireD FaceS~
WAitInG to EnTEr The lEctuRe Hall~
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 11:45 PM   1 comments
~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ 1st EditiOn
~ShiEda = The "AhLOng" in Tesl 1~
~ wan a.k.a Datuk (MAPI= mALaYsia,aFghaNistan,Pakistan+IndiA)

~E'eIN + TalkS a LOt :P~
~AniS a.k.A Siti NUrhaLiza???~
~ FArah @ FArhanNIm???? asK ursElf...~
~Mary...The InnOceNT GUrlZ~
~KalaIvani = SeconD ahLOng in Tesl 2~
~Beh..Cute Ayte?~
~ MUniE The MooDy??? no La...~
~BeloVed Mama E.jaY :P~
~AqMa Vs Boys Over Flower.... WaCCha!!!!~
~The One n thE onlY bAba kHaLis~
~JacelYn- "MUhIBBAh" GurlZ~
~bimMal a.k.A Fairies?????~
~Aina THe pRImaDona~
~ HajaR n ShomBa Will neva Be sepEratEd :P~

p/S: wHy tHere's Only SomE oF tHe TEsliaNz PictUre?.. wheRE's tHe rest????? Wait...... To Be ContiNued In thE next Post :P
KeEp bLoggINg :P
posted by ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~ @ 11:21 PM   1 comments
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Name: ~PiOn33Rs Of The FuTUre EdUcaTioN~
Home: Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia
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